Luleå Biennial 2020:
Time on Earth

Information regarding Covid-19

Last chance The Luleå Biennial 2020: Time on Earth

Wednesday February 10, 16~20 and Saturday February 13–Sunday February 14, 12~16
Galleri Syster is open. Group show with Augusta Strömberg, Susanna Jablonski and Ana Vaz.

Thursday February 11–Sunday February 14, 12~16
Havremagasinet länskonsthall in Bodenis open. Group show with Beatrice Gibson, Susanna Jablonski, Birgitta Linhart, Fathia Mohidin, Charlotte Posenenske, Tommy Tommie and Danae Valenza.

Saturday February 13–Sunday February 14, 14~18
The former prison Vita Duvan is open with an electro acoustic installation by Maria W Horn.

Saturday February 13, 15~19
The artist Markus Öhrn and the poet David Väyrynens sound installation "Bikt" is exhibited on the ice by Residensgatan in Luleå. Listen to older generations of Tornedal women and their testimonies.

Book your visit via Billetto. Drop in is possible as far as space allows.

For those of you who do not have the opportunity to physically visit the Luleå Biennale on site, a radio show including artist talks, sound works and specially written essays will be on stream on Saturday February 13–Sunday February 14. Visit our radio page here.

The exhibitions at Norrbotten's Museum, Luleå konsthall, Välkommaskolan in Malmberget and the Silver Museum are unfortunatly closed.



Boëthius, Maria-Pia, Heder och samvete: Sverige och andra världskriget, Stockholm: Norstedts, 1991.

Carlsson, Lars, Danko & Flamman, Luleå: Black Island Books, 2008.

Kieri, Gunnar & Sundström, Ivar, 1. arbetskompaniet Storsien: en bok om politisk internering 1939-40, Stockholm: Arbetarkultur, 1972.

Liinanki, Anne-Christine, Storsien: 100 år i en norrbottnisk by, Luleå: Black Island Books, 2008.

Ljungberg, Ann-Marie, Mörker, stanna hos mig, Stockholm: Alfabeta, 2009.

Molin, Karl, Hemmakriget: om den svenska krigsmaktens åtgärder mot kommunister under andra världskriget, Stockholm: Tiden, 1982.

Nyberg, Steve, tecknad serie “Innan det är för sent”, publicerad i Galago #117.

Oldberg, Ulf, Attentatet mot Norrskensflamman, Stockholm: Bonniers, 1972.

Rehn, Siv, Internerad i norra Sverige: Krigsmaktens och Utlänningskommissionens interneringsläger i Norr- och Västerbotten under åren 1940–1945, Stockholm: Probus,2002.

Sveriges Riksdag: Interneringsläger under andra världskriget. Interpellation 1999/2000:236 av Svensson Smith, Karin (v)

Konstitutionsutskottets betänkande

Vikström, Mikael ”Attentatet mot Norrskensflamman”, artikel på Norrbottens museums Kulturmiljöblogg,

Öberg, Siv ”En okänd historia återerövrad”, artikel ur Flamman, 2009-02-19,


Reportage om attentatet mot norrskensflamman, Veckans Brott i SVT säsong 10 avsnitt 10, mars 2015

”Natten mot den 3 mars 1940”, radiodokumentär av Gunilla Bresky, sändes 2010 i Sveriges Radio P1.
”Attentatet”, radioteater i regi av Magnus Berg, sändes i Sveriges Radio 2010-02-27.

Dokumentären Upprättelse: en film om interneringslägren i Sverige under andra världskriget, av Nils Lundgren, 2003.
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Radio 65.22 is an auditory cross section of the biennial’s theme and contents, which amplifies and makes accessible written texts, framed situations and artistic voices. Radio 65.22 also enables an encounter with chosen parts of the Luleå Biennial’s activities for those who cannot experience the biennial in situ.

With Radio 65.22, we want to inscribe ourselves into an experimental and exploratory radio tradition, where the media itself becomes a platform for our ideas on radio and its capacity to depict and mirror the world around us. The task of Radio 65.22 is to tell of reality, in further ways that may not be possible through the image or the text.

Under Fragments: Time on Earth you will find radio programmes and sound pieces in different genres and forms that reflect this year’s biennial in various ways. Spirit of Place is a touring series of literary conversations on language and place. The culture journalist Kerstin Wixe takes us along to places that have played a significant part in an author’s stories, or carries the story’s history. Woven Songs is a deepening series of radio programmes that accentuate singing, the voice and the role of storytelling in the creation of new world views and orders, produced in collaboration with Public Art Agency Sweden.

Listen, reflect, enjoy!